Every band or performer should have their own domain name!
What is a domain name?
It’s your very own reserved virtual space on the World Wide Web. It’s named by you and for you and your fans. A band domain name is essentially an address that people would read, memorize, type into a search or click on. It’s a brand name, a slogan and a way to gather your constituents into one place. Whatever you can do on the internet, you have a headquarters for it under your own domain.
Why get your own band domain name?
It makes finding you easy. Once someone knows the name of your band, they also know where to find you.
You look like you mean business
It’s obvious you’ve chosen a cheap or free option when your website is “powered by” Google or Yahoo or some other provider. Make it simple and all you. Band domain names should be as awesome as their sound!
It’s easy to promote
Whatever marketing you choose- radio, TV, print, or even on stage, a simple and memorable domain makes it easier on everyone.
It’s secure
You can set the parameters of security on all or part of your website. You can protect your contact data from prying eyes with a custom domain that you own, not Google.
It keeps pretenders from messing with you
Once you own your desired domain, you may also want to buy others that are very close in case fans mistype or mis-hear the address. It also keeps haters from pretending to be you. The Flaming Lips might, for example, also purchase “TheLamingFlips.com” to keep the riff raff away. Band domain names can be acquired easily, so as your popularity grows, so should your reach, and so should your vigilance.
It’s cheap!
It costs a mere pittance to maintain ownership of a domain. And when you make it big, that domain could really be worth something! Many speculators buy domain names as investments, buying them up while they are cheap and selling them to the highest bidder later.
Email and Social Media branding
With your own domain name, it’s not difficult to recite your band’s name multiple times in a conversation. That’s what you want, lots of repetition in email addresses and footers, and social media posts. It also locks down your identity so mimicry is reduced. Your Domain Pick also offers inexpensive web hosting (space to house your website, files, calendars, etc.), a website building tool, internet marketing tools supporting e-commerce, Search Engine visibility and promotions.
How to get a Domain Name
YourDomainPick is an easy way to check domain availability. Our domain name finder compares your possible name to a database of currently registered names to see if it’s taken already . You may have to adjust your first choice to come up with a unique fully qualified domain name. Once you register a domain name, you own it for a small yearly fee. You can renew your domain ownership every year, or one time for up to 10 years. You can also register all your website domain names in bulk for big savings if you need a bunch. Transfer current domain names you already own to Yourdomainpick.com for big savings, extra features and second-to-none service!
Click in the search window now to see if your awesome name is still out there! Unless your band is names the named “The Rolling Beatles,” chances are you can grab it!
Your Domain Pick is a reliable and trustworthy way to start your music empire. We don’t go in for any of the nefarious tricks that some registrars are infamous for. Like Transfer-out fees, crazy stuff in the fine print, the pay-as-you-go scam, where the registrar takes your money for five years, reserves your domain for one and pockets the rest of the fee. Pay attention to the “Whois” database to check on your actual expiration date and other details about your domain. You can check all the details by searching a whois lookup tool like “easywhois.”
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